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Category: Best Practices

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Keith Arnold featured on TechVibe Geek Out

Click here to listen to Keith Arnold, Vice President of Advanticom featured on a recent podcast with the Pittsburgh Technology Council. In this episode of the TechVibe Geek Out, Keith explains the connection between IT efficiency and productivity. He also discusses topics including: o What does efficient IT look like? o ITIL frameworks o Ticketing….

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Seth Schwiet Wb3ujikljwq Unsplash

Advanticom Advisory – Adobe Flash

Advanticom wants to make you aware of an issue related to Adobe Flash going end-of-life. On December 31st, Adobe will no longer be supporting Flash Player and will block that content from running beginning on January 12, 2021. Windows has provided an update that removes Adobe Flash Player from all devices. Once the update is….

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Advanticom Advisory – Microsoft Vulnerability

Microsoft released today an updated for CVE-2020-1350, a critical remote code execution (RCE) vulnerability. This vulnerability impacts Windows DNS Server and currently has a CVSS base score of 10. This vulnerability is considered “wormable” and has the potential to spread malware between Windows systems without user interaction. Any infrastructure running Windows DNS servers should either:….

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